Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

apa bae

Insert the cheat-password cheat codes on the left into the in-game cheats menu
AintFallinUnlocks perfect rail / no bails
BeefedUpUnlocks full statistics
BooyahUnlocks super check
CRAZYBONEMANUnlocks skater Boneman
DapperUnlocks skater Spence
FlyawayUnlocks skater Eric
FOREVERNAILEDUnlocks 100% branch completion
GiveMeStuffUnlocks CAS items
INGONNABUILDUnlocks all rig pieces
LAIDBACKLOUNGEUnlocks all lounge themes
LetsGoSkateUnlocks all decks
LooksSmellyUnlocks skater Rube
LOTSOFTRICKSUnlocks all available specials
MagicManUnlocks skating with no board
MoreMilkUnlocks skater Bosco
MoversUnlocks skater Shayne
MyopicUnlocks unlimited focus
NeedsHelpUnlocks fifty skill points
NotACameraUnlocks skater Cam
NotADudeUnlocks skater Mel
OverTheTopUnlocks fun items
PiledriverUnlocks skater El Patinador
PutEmOnTopUnlocks all video editor overlays
RabbiesUnlocks skater Mad Dog
ShakerUnlocks skater TV Producer
SketchyUnlocks skater Eddie X
STILLAINTFALLINUnlocks perfect manual
SUPERSLASHINUnlocks unlimited slash grind
SweetStuffUnlocks all lounge bling items
TheCoopUnlocks skater Cooper
TheIndoorParkUnlocks Air and Space Museum
THELOCALPARKUnlocks Lansdowne
TheMissingUnlocks the invisible man
ThePrezParkUnlocks FDR Skatepark
TinyTaterUnlocks the small skater
TrippyUnlocks all video editor effects
WatchThisUnlocks all in-game movies

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